Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Serenity Prayer

Intro: In this blog I'm going to have several quotes that I found in Matthew Kelly's Book "Rediscover Catholicism" because some of the things that he says about daily prayer helped me along with my faith journey and I have no intention of reinventing the wheel. Prayer is a powerful tool that we all have access to 24/7. It's not something that we should decide to use once in awhile, it's actually essential to living an authentic Christian life. In 1Thessalonians5:17, Saint Paul says to "Pray without ceasing." We most often pray when we are struggling with something (financial problems, illnesses, relationships, addictions etc.) We also pray to give thanks to God for all His blessings (family, friends, opportunities, health etc.). But what I've personally discovered, is that sometimes the hardships that we face are the blessings. Ultimately we pray because we want to find peace and clarity. God created us like that. It's no accident that when things go wrong or when things go really good, that we automatically close our eyes and take a step back in our minds and try to seek answers. Why me? Why now? Why? Prayer directly connects us to God. He hears everything. God knows the desires of our hearts even if we don't tell him. Don't forget that. Read Proverbs3:5-6, Jeremiah29:11-13 and Philippians4:6-7 :) 

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change"
Things you cannot change:
-Who your family is
-What you've done in the past 

 God doesn't want you to wallow in your past. He wants you back on the path that He planned out for life.

Things you can change: 

Everything else in your life, whether you like to admit it or not, are products of your free will and the choices you’ve made. God did not make you do anything that you didn’t want to do. You’ve always had a choice. Whether they were beneficial for you short term or long term, you were not forced to do anything. You might have felt like someone (or society) was pressuring you, but ultimately you are responsible. Often when hardships come, we like to blame God. Why did you let this happen? Where are you? What did I do wrong? In times like this we need to take a step back and stop pointing the finger at God.
The people you hang out with, your career, where you live, the state of your relationships with people, your physical appearance, your influence on others, your reputation, your character, and where you are headed in the future is all on you.You either said Yes or No to certain people and opportunities. If you've done something in your past that you're not proud of, the awesome thing is, is that you can fix it with God's assistance.  All that is lacking is courage and humility. What is preventing is sin. Once we are freed from sin we can lead peaceful lives. 

Matthew Kelly ("Rediscover Catholicism") Quotes: 
-"Fear has a tendency to imprison us...paralyzes the human spirit."
-"Courage is the father of every great moment and movement in history. Courage is acquired by practicing courage."
-"The measure of your life will be the measure of your courage."
-Each day is filled with unimaginable potential." 
-"Stop trying to put together a master plan for your happiness. Instead seek out the Master's plan for your life and for your happiness. Allow him to lead you, guide you, to be your companion, your friend, your coach, and your mentor. He will lead you to green pastures. He will restore your soul. And your cup will overflow."  

Personally for me, I find peace when I know I'm doing what God calls me to do. When I'm unselfish and serving others genuinely. I find peace when I pray and dialogue with God. Even telling God "I have know clue what I am doing in this situation" is a prayer in itself I've learned. God knows everything. He just wants you to admit your weaknesses (2Corinthians12:9). When you realize you need God's involvement, your faith strengthens. 

Philosophies to avoid that lead you away from peace (Found in "Rediscover Catholicism") 
-Hedonism (Doing whatever it takes to get the most Pleasure)
-Minimalism (Doing the least to get the greatest reward)
-Individualism (Looking out only for yourself)
These are empty philosophies (Colossians2:8) 
Jesus told us to take up our crosses daily.  Loving others means to do what is best for them. So if we are called to love everyone, that means we are called to serve everyone and be selfless. We can't live for ourselves. Also there is no peace in living for ourselves.

Bottom line, to achieve peace follow God's commandments (become virtuous which takes time and practice), change your habits (discipline), pray (don't give God a to-do list, instead sometimes just quiet yourself and ask God what are His plans for you), trust God and be patient.
-"Learn to enjoy uncertainty."

Enjoy Life! As long as you're doing what God wants you to do, you'll be alright :) 
-When you know you are doing the will of God, that alone is enough to sustain your happiness." 


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

If you're claiming to be Catholic, then be Catholic.

Awesome website to help you on your faith journey. Just go through it and learn as much as you can :)

Back then I said I believed, but did I really if I was making up my own rules? 
I've been reading some material about the early Church and the Church Fathers and personally I think that they would be kind of upset of how we Catholics today live out our faith so casually. Many individuals laid down their lives for the Catholic Church. All they had to do to save themselves was to simply say "No I don't believe." That's it. Really that's it. But some people today say "No I don't believe" with their actions but still want to be called Catholic. I realized awhile back that I was just like that. Living somewhat of a double-life. Are we on the same playing field as those Saints and Martyrs? If you don't understand or you have any doubts with what the Catholic Church teaches, do the research, ask someone in the faith that you trust, pray about it and you'll eventually figure out that it all makes sense. It has to. Jesus didn't leave us with an unstable Church. I forgot who said it but he said something to the effect that if you claim to be Catholic but don't agree with Her Teachings, then you're a Protestant whether you know it or not. If you're not going to take your salvation seriously, then what's the point of being Catholic? I am Catholic because I believe that Catholic Church teaches the TRUTH and was personally established by Jesus himself. Don't just be Catholic because someone tells you to be. No more Cradle Catholics, No more Cafeteria Catholics, No more Lukewarmness. What do you stand for? Think about it. You might be the only example of what a Catholic is to someone. If your lifestyle is similar to theirs and contradictory to your Faith, why would they want to believe in God. Isn't that the whole purpose of being Catholic? To know the TRUTH about God and spread it? So in essence your are leading them away from God and thus putting your salvation in jeopardy. Philippians 2:12 " out your salvation with fear and trembling." 
We are not like those thousands of other Christian denominations. We don't believe that "Once saved, always saved." We have to take up our crosses daily and adhere to what Jesus commanded. He didn't "suggest," He commanded.  We have a Church that's lasted 2000 years. We have the TRUTH. Discover it! It's Awesome! Although the world we live in today makes it very difficult to live an authentic Catholic lifestyle, try do it anyway. If you're claiming to be Catholic, then be Catholic.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Youtube! Another great resource :)


Instead of watching random things on Youtube like "Fail" videos, or catching up on highlights that you missed on regular T.V., take a break real quick and watch some of these videos to strengthen your faith. Sometimes it's hard reading dense theology or faith/spiritual books in the beginning. Take it from me, I used to use spark notes all the time lol These are speakers that I admire and I promise they will get you to be on fire about your faith. They've also written some great books that I'm currently reading. Yes I started to like reading lol Youtube another great resource! Have a great Sunday - God Bless! 

(Chris Stefanick) - "How Do We Know He Really Rose?"

(Dr. Scott Hahn) - "Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars"

(Matthew Kelly) - "The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality (Full version)"

 (Father Barron) - Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope"

 (Catholic Answers)

I promise these videos aren't boring LOL. These guys are very enthusiastic, which we all should be.  

Check these out to: #ThingsJesusNeverSaid 



Tuesday, March 12, 2013


God is Faithful:

The first part of the phrase "God Is" is to remind us all that God exists but there is still mystery behind it. God is not restricted to time and space. He knows our thoughts, potential and what we can handle. His love and mercy is infinite and for us, incredibly difficult to comprehend. Sometimes we think that our lives are so broken that God wouldn't want to help (loss cause), or that we mess up so much that He's tired of hearing our apologies and failed promises. When in actuality He wants us to admit that we are weak and broken (2Corinthians12:9) because that's when we genuinely seek him. 1Corinthians10:13 is a verse that explains his faithfulness. Faith is separate because it emphasizes that we need to have faith in Him also. Not blind faith either. We have to study and understand our faith which means doing the research, talking to fellow believers and deciding for ourselves why we place our hope in God. We need to have faith to realize that He will work within us to help us overcome all obstacles and bring us closer to a more fulfilling life. We try our best to avoid anxiety and surprises by planning and preparing as much as we can. Instead, we should just make sure what we're doing lines up with what God wants and let Him take care of the rest. Trust in His faithfulness. The crossed nails represent Jesus' sacrifice and God's faithfulness to us. That God sent down his Only Son to be born, live and die to show His mercy and for us to know Him fully. The entire phrase will let people know that we believe in God and that are not ashamed to show it.
Dove/Tongue of Fire:

The Dove/Tongue of Fire is found throughout the bible and in our churches as a symbol of peace, purity, the Holy Spirit and God’s faithfulness.
-Genesis 8:10-12 (Noah released a Dove and it returned to him with a plucked-off olive leaf)
-Luke 2:24 (Mary and Joseph took Jesus to be presented at the Temple and offered a sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves)
-Matthew 3:16 (After Jesus was baptized he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove coming upon him)
-Acts 2:3 (During Pentecost, Jesus’ followers were gathered together and suddenly a noise like a strong driving wind filled the house, and what appeared to be tongues of fire rested on each of them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit  and able to speak in different tongues.)

This symbol is to help remind us of God’s faithfulness, to try our best to live pure lives and when times of doubt or when courage is needed, to call upon the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength. 

Ichthys/Jesus Fish:

The Ichthys (Greek word for fish) symbol that was used by early Christians to communicate to each other that they were amongst fellow believers in the midst when early Christians were being persecuted. Ichthys in the Greek, when you break it down is the acronym for “Iesous Christos Theos Yios Soter.” In English translates to “Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.” We hope that this symbol carries on letting others know that we are Christian and that we are here for one another. This symbol is also to help remind us of all the sacrifices that early Christians made.

Ecclesia Militans:

This is the Latin phrase for the Church Militant.
The Catholic Church has 3 part:
1. Church Triumphant (Ecclesia Triumphans) which includes everyone in heaven
2. Church Suffering (Ecclesia Penitens) which includes all who are being purified in Purgatory
3. Church Militant (Ecclesia Militans) which includes everyone here on earth who are foot soldiers of Christ against evil.

Here on earth it’s obvious that there are constant wars between good and evil. We are called to be Jesus’ military and not in the sense of politics and physical combat, but in the sense that we are armed with truth and need to promote, protect and defend that truth with our lives. Sometimes the fight isn’t with the outside world, it’s a war within ourselves. We are called to battle with the evil daily. Romans 8:31 “If God is for us, who can be against us?” We need to keep that in mind and keep the fight going. We need to be proud that we belong to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and that our God is right there with us on the front line.  It’s not easy to say the least, but if we all understand that we are united under One banner, we will find that strength and support from one another and also will be armed with the knowledge that our God cannot be beaten.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Relationship + Jesus Only?

I was inspired to write this this morning because of a conversation I had yesterday. It was a great eye opener to see another Catholic's point of you view about our faith. Some Catholics like to say (myself included before I really started doing the research and finding my own answers) that...I believe that there is a God, but I don't believe everything the Church tells us to do. Do I really have to follow everything the Church says? The thing is, is that we Catholics have forgotten our own story. If you have that mentality of having the personal ability to pick and choose what to believe about your faith, then you're no different than the other 30,000+ Protestant denominations who all claim to really know what God wants. Why are you Catholic instead of being a part of another Christian Denomination? Out of the 30,000+ who knows the Truth? If you really looked into our History you'd find, how Matthew Kelly would put it "Genius in Catholicism."Unless you know our story, someone is going to force their story on you. Don't just be a cradle Catholic like I was. Do the research before you start denying what you choose to be apart of. The only way you're going to fully appreciate and understand your faith is if you starting questioning it. The more questions you ask, the more answers you'll find, the stronger your faith will become.

Matthew Kelly (Rediscover Catholicism), "But perhaps the biggest danger with the direct-to-God approach is that it becomes all too easy to deceive ourselves, and then we begin to create God in our own image. When it is "just me and God" it is all too easy to project my own qualities and biases upon God. Then rather than being created in the image of God, we begin to create God in our own image."

"The dictatorship of Relativism is confronting the world.  It does not recognize anything as absolute and leaves as the ultimate measure only the measure of each one and his desires.  

"'Adult' is not a faith that follows the waves in fashion and the latest novelty.....Adult and mature is a faith that gives us the measure to discern between what is true and what is false, between deceit and truth." - Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Excerpts from his homily at the Conclave that elected him Pope.

Recommended Reading:
They use this in my church's RCIA program so don't trip about the title lol :)

 The Protestant View...which is unfortunately a view some Catholics embrace. 

The Catholic View


Give props where props are do. Know our History.